HER Breast Friends relies on the generosity of everyday people, businesses and organisations, whose very kind and generous support allows us to continue to provide the services and activities to support local people affected by breast cancer and other illnesses.
We are profoundly aware that the Charity could not provide the vital services and activities without this support.
Ways you can get involved include:
Business/Corporate Support
Getting involved with the Charity offers great benefits to your organisations, including:
- Team building and motivation through participation in fundraising events.
- Brand awareness and association of your business with the Charity.
- Meeting your organisations Corporate Social Responsibility.
- Feel good factor – knowing that you are supporting local people affected by breast cancer and other illnesses.
There are many ways in which you can support the Charity including:
- Choosing HER Breast Friends as your Charity of the Year
- Employee Fundraising – be it cake sales, office/work challenges, individual sponsored challenges or dress down days.
- Sponsorship – Putting your logo next to ours and sponsoring events such as our annual signature event the Pink Pamper Day. Showing your customers and clients that you support and give back to the local community.
- Hold your own event – From quiz nights, afternoon teas, boat racing or themed ball, anything goes. The Charity will support you as much as possible.
- Can you put one of our collecting tubs on your counter or reception desk?
- Donation – offer a prize for our many raffles held throughout the year.
Are you part of a Craft Group, Ladies Group, running club or any other social gathering? Could you have a raffle or hold a coffee morning? Can you support the Charity by making our heart shaped cushion, knitted boobies or Dammit Dolls? Can you donate items for our many tombola’s and raffles throughout the year?
Can our Breast Awareness Campaign Team come and give your group a talk about the Charity, being breast aware including the signs and symptoms?
There is so much an individual can do to support the Charity. Enter a sponsored challenge, volunteer at one of our events or come along to our monthly volunteer days. Could you have one of our pink boxes for loose change?
Volunteers are essential to the support given by the Charity and there are many different ways you can volunteer. Click here, for more details.