
Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Breast Awareness & Charity Talk 7.30pm

Breast Awareness & Charity Talk, Del la Pole Lodge

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Coffee Morning 10-12noon

10am to 12noon at the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull, HU1 3EN. Join us for a cuppa, laughter, chatter and friendship. All welcome!

Volunteers Day 11am-3pm

Have a little time to spare? Come along to K2 Tower Block, Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3EN and volunteer helping HER Breast Friends with all sorts of tasks and admin activities. Pop along anytime between 11am and 3pm.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, nor booking required - just pop along.

Breast Awareness & Charity Talk 7.30pm

Breast Awareness & Charity Talk, St Mary's Ladies Group 7.30pm

Second Friends Coffee Morning 10-12noon

Do you have secondary breast cancer? You are not alone. Second Friends support each other with a chat and a cuppa! 10am to 12noon - Venue HER Breast Friends, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, Hull, HU1 3EN. Booking not required... just turn up!

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, nor booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, nor booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, nor booking required - just pop along.

Volunteers Day 11am-3pm

Have a little time to spare? Come along to K2 Tower Block, Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3EN and volunteer helping HER Breast Friends with all sorts of tasks and admin activities. Pop along anytime between 11am and 3pm.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, nor booking required - just pop along.

Coffee Morning 10-12noon

10am to 12noon at the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull, HU1 3EN. Join us for a cuppa, laughter, chatter and friendship. All welcome!

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, nor booking required - just pop along.

Breast Awareness & Charity Talk – Hedon WI – 7.30pm

Breast Awareness Charity Talk - Hedon WI - 7.30 pm

Second Friends Coffee Morning 10-12noon

Do you have secondary breast cancer? You are not alone. Second Friends support each other with a chat and a cuppa! 10am to 12noon - HER Breast Friends, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3EN ... booking not required... just turn up!

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, nor booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, nor booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, nor booking required - just pop along.

Coffee Morning 10-12noon

10am to 12noon at the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull, HU1 3EN. Join us for a cuppa, laughter, chatter and friendship. All welcome!

Volunteers Day 11am-3pm

Have a little time to spare? Come along to K2 Tower Block, Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3EN and volunteer helping HER Breast Friends with all sorts of tasks and admin activities. Pop along anytime between 11am and 3pm

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Pink Pamper Day

Venue is The Village Hotel, please arrive 9am. Registration required. Booking or more details required call: 01482 221368

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Pink Butterfly Month

Pink Butterfly Month

Volunteers Day 11am-3pm

Have a little time to spare? Come along to the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN and volunteer helping HER Breast Friends with all sorts of tasks and admin activities. Pop along anytime between 11am and 3pm

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Coffee Morning 10-12noon

10am to 12noon at the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull, HU1 3EN. Join us for a cuppa, laughter, chatter and friendship. All welcome!

Charity Abseil down the K2 Tower

Charity Abseil down the K2 Tower - Registration Required

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Second Friends Coffee Morning 10-12noon

Do you have secondary breast cancer? You are not alone. Second Friends support each other with a chat and a cuppa! 10am to 12noon - HER Breast Friends, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3EN ... booking not required... just turn up!

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Volunteers Day 11am-3pm

Have a little time to spare? Come along to the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN and volunteer helping HER Breast Friends with all sorts of tasks and admin activities. Pop along anytime between 11am and 3pm

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Coffee Morning 10-12noon

10am to 12noon at the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull, HU1 3EN. Join us for a cuppa, laughter, chatter and friendship. All welcome!

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Second Friends Coffee Morning 10-12noon

Do you have secondary breast cancer? You are not alone. Second Friends support each other with a chat and a cuppa! 10am to 12noon - HER Breast Friends, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3EN ... booking not required... just turn up!

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Coffee Morning 10-12noon

10am to 12noon at the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull, HU1 3EN. Join us for a cuppa, laughter, chatter and friendship. All welcome!

Volunteers Day 11am-3pm

Have a little time to spare? Come along to the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN and volunteer helping HER Breast Friends with all sorts of tasks and admin activities. Pop along anytime between 11am and 3pm

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Second Friends Coffee Morning 10-12noon

Do you have secondary breast cancer? You are not alone. Second Friends support each other with a chat and a cuppa! 10am to 12noon - HER Breast Friends, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3EN ... booking not required... just turn up!

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Volunteers Day 11am-3pm

Have a little time to spare? Come along to the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN and volunteer helping HER Breast Friends with all sorts of tasks and admin activities. Pop along anytime between 11am and 3pm

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Coffee Morning 10-12noon

10am to 12noon at the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull, HU1 3EN. Join us for a cuppa, laughter, chatter and friendship. All welcome!

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Second Friends Coffee Morning 10-12noon

Do you have secondary breast cancer? You are not alone. Second Friends support each other with a chat and a cuppa! 10am to 12noon - HER Breast Friends, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3EN ... booking not required... just turn up!

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Breast Awareness Event & Honley Ladies Choir in St Stephens10am-2pm

Annual Breast Awareness Event at St Stephens Shopping Centre with the Honley Ladies Choir & Abreast the M62 Booby Dooby Trail singing in 3 cities and ending in Liverpool that day

Volunteers Day 11am-3pm

Have a little time to spare? Come along to the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN and volunteer helping HER Breast Friends with all sorts of tasks and admin activities. Pop along anytime between 11am and 3pm

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Second Friends Coffee Morning 10-12noon

Do you have secondary breast cancer? You are not alone. Second Friends support each other with a chat and a cuppa! 10am to 12noon - HER Breast Friends, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3EN ... booking not required... just turn up!

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Coffee Morning & Charity’s Birthday

10am to 12noon at the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull, HU1 3EN. Join us for a cuppa, laughter, chatter and friendship. All welcome!

Volunteers Day 11am-3pm

Have a little time to spare? Come along to the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN and volunteer helping HER Breast Friends with all sorts of tasks and admin activities. Pop along anytime between 11am and 3pm

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Second Friends Coffee Morning 10-12noon

Do you have secondary breast cancer? You are not alone. Second Friends support each other with a chat and a cuppa! 10am to 12noon - HER Breast Friends, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3EN ... booking not required... just turn up!

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12pm-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Volunteers Day 11am-3pm

Have a little time to spare? Come along to K2 Tower Block, Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3EN and volunteer helping HER Breast Friends with all sorts of tasks and admin activities. Pop along anytime between 11am and 3pm.

Exercise Class10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Christmas Coffee Morning 10am-12noon

10am to 12noon at the K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull, HU1 3EN. Join us for a cuppa, laughter, chatter and friendship. All welcome!

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.

Second Friends Christmas Coffee Morning

Do you have secondary breast cancer? You are not alone. Second Friends support each other with a chat and a cuppa! 10am to 12noon - HER Breast Friends, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3EN ... booking not required... just turn up!

Exercise Class 10.30-11.30am

10.30-11.30 am - Exercise Class - open to Members and Non Members, Floor 8, K2 Tower Block, 60 Bond Street, HU1 3EN

Wednesday Crafters 12-3pm

12pm to 3pm at K2 Tower Block, Bond St, Hull HU1 3EN. Everyone welcome to join in and learn a new skill, or just sit watch and chat with a cuppa. No experience needed, or booking required - just pop along.


You are always advised to check details of events nearer the time in case of late amendments to times or venues. Please note more events will be added to the calendar as details are confirmed.