Grand Raffle Draw 2017
8th June 2017Fitmums Cycle Squad – ‘Tour de Yorkshire’
13th June 2017
Ambiente Tapas in Hull chose HER Breast Friends as their ‘Charity of the Month’ in May 2017. Vice Chair Pam Trays visited Ambiente prior to the month of May to talk to their staff about what the Charity provided for local people affected by breast cancer.
All the staff where hugely supportive and enthusiastically told all their customers, who visited in May, about the work we do and the services we provide. The outcome was totally amazing with Ambiente breaking all company records – A massive £3199.00 was raised!
Vice Chair Pam Trays and Charity Manager Jayne Beck were delighted to receive a cheque for £3199.00.
A huge huge thank you to all the wonderful staff and customers of Ambiente Tapas Hull for your magnificent support!