The Clarity Appeal are delighted to announce that sufficient funds have been raised to enable the installation of the Tomosynthesis software at the Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham.
Tomosynthesis is a three-dimensional scanner which enables testing procedures to show ‘slices’ of tissue and obtain a very detailed picture of any areas of concern. The Clarity Appeal aimed to raise £80,000 towards the cost of installing Tomosynethesis facilities at the hospital which will improve diagnosis of breast cancer throughout Hull and the East Riding.
To celebrate this achievement, on Friday 23rd September 2016, the Clarity Appeal held an evening to thank those who helped raise the funds needed for the Tomosynthesis capabilities.
HER Breast Friends were paid special thanks and awarded a ‘gold leaf’. The leaf, engraved with the words ‘Hull and East Riding Breast Friends Thank You For Your Ongoing Support‘ was then placed on the ‘Claritree’ in recognition of the Charity’s help.
Jan Jones, Founder and Trustee said ‘On behalf of all at HER Breast Friends, I would like to thank all at the Clarity Appeal for the special thanks paid to the Charity for our help and support, and for the gold leaf placed on your amazing Claritree. The evening has been a very much appreciated opportunity to see what the Charity’s donation has helped to buy and I found it both interesting and informative”
The evening offered the opportunity to see what the Charity’s’ donation had helped to buy as well as meeting up with old friends and making some new acquaintances, whilst also observing the new software in action.
Members of HER Breast Friends voted in favour of supporting the Clarity Appeal at the Charity’s Annual General Meeting held in January 2015.
Members of HER Breast Friends presenting a cheque for £2,000 to Clarity Appeal in April 2015.
Pictured L to R: Carly Medlock – Clarity Appeal Signatory; Helen Warren – Clarity Appeal Signatory; Hilary Spencer – HBF Volunteer; Pam Trays – HBF Vice Chair; Jayne Beck – Charity Manager and Annmarie Bennett – HBF Trustee.