Being breast aware is not just for the month of October, which is why our Breast Awareness Campaign Team work so hard to spread this vital message.

Our team, which is made up of volunteers, all of whom have in some way or another been affected by breast cancer, know the importance of early detection and subsequently how this could lead to simpler more effective treatment.

However, to first detect early symptoms you need to know the signs and symptoms to look out for. To know what’s normal for you as an individual, and where to go for help and advice. View our Breast Awareness Gallery here

Our team have completed a breast awareness course run by the national charity formally known as Breast Cancer Care, giving them extra knowledge when requested by social groups and organisations for talks, or appearances at venues with our information and display boards.

Our team are happy to attend anywhere the important message of being breast aware can be delivered.

We do not give medical advice or information on breast cancer treatments but we know from experience the people who can and actively promote and support the advice networks in our area. For links to these organisations click here.

In 2014 we joined up with the NHS Screening Department based at Castle Hill Hospital for several of our events, to encourage the uptake of attending breast screening appointments and help dispel some of the fears and myths that are associated with breast screening.

Any fundraising achieved as a result of our breast awareness campaign is reinvested into the Charity supporting local people as well as breast cancer research and we have successfully purchased specialised pieces of equipment to help with the treatment of local breast cancer patients. To view the gallery click here.

We are always looking for more volunteers to help with our work.

If you are interested in volunteering, being part of our team, would like some more information, or request the presence of our team for your social group or event then please get in touch.

To see our gallery of previous events click here
To check out up and coming events click here