Being informed of a breast cancer diagnosis is difficult enough and then going into hospital for breast cancer surgery can be an emotional and sometimes lonely time. We know from experience how this can feel.
As part of our charitable aims ‘to help create a positive view and environment for all affected by breast cancer’ in 2009 we launched our Patient Gift Packs to the breast surgery ward at Castle Hill Hospital.
Our packs are kindly distributed by staff on the ward, letting people know they are not alone, we are thinking of them and are here if they need us.
Our gift packs contain a selection of toiletries and the Charity Information Booklet plus our heart shaped cushion and stress buster Dammit Doll, all lovingly made by our volunteers.
We know from our own experience that by placing the heart cushion under your arm on the side you have had breast surgery or placing it underneath your seatbelt strap when you leave hospital, can give some physical comfort. It comes in handy for your head too when you need a nap! We hope that knowing others are thinking of you will give you a sense of the heartfelt support this cushion brings from people who really do understand.
From the wonderful feedback received we know these packs are very much appreciated.
If you have received one of our gift packs we would love to know your thoughts, so please let us know via the Contact Page.
“I have just come out of the hospital after having had a mastectomy. They gave me one of your bags. Thank you so much for such a lovely gift and so useful. I had no idea that people like you existed, it is humbling” – MF 1st March 2021